About PFAE
Paso Fino Association Europe
The PFAE (Paso Fino Association Europe) was founded in the year 2000 by a group of Paso Fino owners, breeders lovers of the breed with the goal to make the Paso Fino horse known in Europe and to gain more interest for the breed. Today the PFAE is the major Paso Fino association in Europe. The majority of our members live in Germany, Switzerland and the UK but there are also members in other European countries and even the United States.
Since its founding year the PFAE has been steadily growing as did the number of pure bred Paso Fino horses. Currently there are over 1.000 registered Paso Fino horses in Europe. In 2005 the PFAE has been accepted as an independent registry for Paso Finos by the PFHA and thus enabling us to get certificates of registrations for European born Paso Finos directly from the US.. Thanks to the efforts of our breeders the population also steadily grows with about 30 foals being born each year across Europe. Therefore the import rate of horses has dropped, nevertheless there are Paso Fino horses imported each year (mostly from the US) as fresh blood is still needed for our population.
Obwohl die PFAE ein relativ kleiner Verein ist, veranstalten wir jedes Jahr mehrere Turniere. Unsere Turnierveranstaltungen zeichnen sich neben dem sportlichen Wettkampf vor allem durch die Begeisterung für unsere Pferden und dem fairen und fröhlichen Miteinander aus. Kaum jemand kann sich dem besonderen Flair und der Ausstrahlung dieser außergewöhnlichen Rasse entziehen. Jedes dritte Jahr führt die PFAE eine internationale Europameisterschaften auf einer schönen Pferdesportanlage in Deutschland durch. Die meisten Paso Fino Besitzer sind ambitionierte Freizeitreiter, die Spaß an und mit ihren Pferden haben, egal wo und in welcher Form. Aus diesem Grund engagiert sich die PFAE natürlich auch entsprechend im Freizeitbereich und organisiert jedes Jahr geführte Geländeritte. Seit einigen Jahren gibt es ein eigenes Punkteregister für erfolgreiche Geländepferde und jedes Jahr werden neben den High Point Horses Turnier auch die Pasos for Pleasure ermittelt.
Neben Turnieren und Geländeritten tragen viele PFAE Mitglieder dazu bei unsere Rasse bekannter zu machen, indem sie unter der Flagge des PFAE mit ihren Pferden auf Pferdemessen und anderen Veranstaltungen in Erscheinung treten und dort das Publikum begeistern. Jedes Jahr bietet die PFAE verschiedene Kurse mit Top Paso Fino Trainern aus den USA an, um unseren Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit zu geben, dazuzulernen und mehr über den Paso Fino und seine Besonderheiten zu erfahren. Daneben werden auch Kurse, Unterricht und Beritt von und mit kompetenten Paso Fino Trainern in Deutschland und Europa angeboten.

Despite being a small association, the PFAE organizes and hosts now several shows a year across Europe. Our shows feature exciting competition as well as fun and recreational elements, and last but not least the unique flair and atmosphere of our exotic breed. Every three years the PFAE organizes an international European Championship show at one of Europe’s finest equine facilities. The majority of Paso riders are ambitious leisure time riders who love to have fun with their horses, no matter where and how. Therefore, the PFAE is also committed to recreational riders offering several trail rides a year as well as a high point register for trail horses called Pasos for Pleasure.
Besides shows and trail rides, dedicated PFAE members also promote the breed by participating in various equine exhibitions and events throughout the year. Several times a year the PFAE offers clinics with professional US trainers, thus, enabling our members to improve their riding skills and learn more about the breed from true experts. Besides these clinics, training and lessons are also offered by various competent European Paso Fino trainers.
Information in German and English is available to all members via the PFAE homepage featuring the latest news and events, offering advice and help, providing lists with horses for sale, stallion services and offspring, giving a directory of training facilities and breeding farms. In addition, members receive e-mail newsletters and the unique BRIO magazine (the only Paso Fino magazine in Europe). We are constantly working on improving our services to make the association even more attractive for our members.
Since it is our goal that the breed gets the attention and the place in the equine world that it deserves, we are committed to represent and promote the Paso Fino across Europe. The members of the Paso Fino Association Europe have chosen a magnificent breed: The Paso Fino – so why don’t you come and join us and share all the fun and excitement this breed has to offer with us?