Willkommen in der Paso Fino Familie!
Neugierig geworden?
Welcome to the Paso Fino Family!

We are your contact for all matters concerning Paso Finos in Germany and Europe and we look forward to welcoming you to the ever growing community of Paso Fino friends!
Dear Paso Fino Aficionados,
Founded in the year 2000 the PFAE (Paso Fino Association Europe) soon developed into the major Paso Fino association in Europe. The majority of our members live in Germany, Switzerland and the UK but there are also members in other European countries. Since its founding year the PFAE has been steadily growing as did the number of pure bred Paso Fino horses all over Europe.
Since it is our goal that the breed gets the attention and the place in the equine world that it deserves, we are committed to represent and promote the Paso Fino across Europe.
The members of the Paso Fino Association Europe have chosen a magnificent breed: The Paso Fino – so why don’t you come and join us and share all the fun and excitement this breed has to offer with us?