Committees & Delegates
Committees may be installed to support the individual BOD remits. Permanent committees are the show committee and the breeding committee who meet when necessary. The show as well as the breeding committee consists of 4 PFAE members each as well as the regional delegate of regions with more than 20 members. The committees are headed by the respective secretary who serves as the chairperson of the committee. The members of the show or breeding committee are nominated by the respective committee and are confirmed by the BOD. Any full PFAE member can apply to the committee for serving in the committee, except if important reasons disqualify the member from working in the committee (underage, suspended member, falling behind paying association dues and fees).
Show Committee
The show committee is responsible for all issues relating to competition and the show rules. In due time before the AGM the show committee will review and, if necessary, adapt the show rules. The show committee shall post all rule change proposals in the official PFAE publication (e-Mail Newsletter) no later than the edition of the month proceeding the month that contains the date of the Annual Membership Meeting during which the membership will vote on the proposed changes. Passage of rule change proposals will be by simple majority.
Members of the show committee:
Alexandra Rau, Christine Griebel, Meike Wolf, Isabel Fischer
Breeding Committee
The breeding committee is responsible for all issues relating to the breeding of Paso Finos inclusive reviewing and, if necessary, adapting the breeding rules. The breeding committee shall post all rule change proposals in the official PFAE publication (e-Mail Newsletter) no later than the edition of the month proceeding the month that contains the date of the Annual Membership Meeting during which the membership will vote on the proposed changes. Passage of rule change proposals will be by simple majority.
Members of the breeding committee:
Johanna Paul, Alexandra Rau
The Delegates
One of the goals of the PFAE is to offer a European platform to the Paso Fino. We can designate regional groups and members all over Europe,that will, if necessary, locally help you. In addition, we have also delegates representing us and the Paso Fino breed in the major German breeding and sport horse organisations.
Great Britain/Ireland
Yvonne Bowen (Sudbury, Suffolk, England)
Phone: +44(0)7811 335527
Julie Edwards & Cor Bosman
Phone. +31-621570543
Tanja Viti (I-39012 Meran)
Phone: +39 338 7911306
Paso Fino delegate for IGV e.V. and FN